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April Report from Cllr Penny Otton

27 April 2016

COMMUNITY TRANSPORT; there is to be a meeting at Mid Suffolk offices on 8th June 10.30.-11.30.

Read more on April Report from Cllr Penny Otton

March Report from Cllr Penny Otton

30 March 2016

FIRE SERVICE; as a result of the proposed reduction in fire engines in Bury Ipswich and Lowestoft we put a motion to council to have these put on hold. This was debated for over 2 hours ; when put to the vote it was lost by 35 to 36

Read more on March Report from Cllr Penny Otton

180116 Campaign to Raise Awareness of 101 police number

19 January 2016

Suffolk Constabulary is supporting a Home Office campaign reminding the public that they should call 101 if they need to contact their local police for non-emergency issues.

Read more on 180116 Campaign to Raise Awareness of 101 police number

Rock Choir

3 November 2015

Friends of Rattlesden Church (FORC) organised a performance by the Rock Choir on Thursday 29th October in St Nicholas Church.

Read more on Rock Choir

October Report from Cllr Penny Otton

28 October 2015

A14; HIGHWAYS AGENCY; I now have a new contact; Caroline Delahunty; caroline.delahanty@highwaysengland.gov.uk who is trying to get the direction sign and chevrons replaced at last. I have also raised the problem of the surface at the Rougham junction and have passed the reply to the clerk.

Read more on October Report from Cllr Penny Otton