Rattlesden Parish Council News 

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 25th June 2024 at the slightly earlier time of 6:30pm in The Village Hall. Agenda and associated papers Here

Draft Minutes from the May Ordinary Meeting Here

Rattlesden Village ShopVillage Shop

Rattlesden & District Community Shop is a local village store selling all kinds of groceries, local produce, pet foods, tobacco, ice-cream, sweets and plants

Mon to Sat 9am - 1pm
Sun 9am - 11am

Find out more...

Planning Applicationsplans

Click here to see the latest planning applications

Contact Us

If you find an issue with the site or have some information or photos which you would like included then please Email webmaster

Report It

Report a Highways issue (Suffolk County Council)
Report a flood in Suffolk (Environment Agency)
Report an abandoned car
Report a missed bin collection
Report a litter problem



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