bringing the community together
This year's campaign is now finished.
We would like more volunteers when the 2025 / 2026 campaign starts this autumn.
The more who do this the quicker it can progress and all that is required is 2 - 3 hours on Thursday mornings - to suit you.
Please let Chard Wadley know on the Email address at the bottom of this page so that coffee & teas can be arranged and you will be included in Emails advising times and locations for each future session. It is important to register your interest with Chard in case bad weather or other circumstances mean a change to the schedule when you will be advised.
For several years The River Rat Volunteers have maintained the river environment through the village by cutting back old growth, removing dead trees and clearing silt from the river bed.
The section of the river covered is from the small bridge opposite the cemetery to the whalebones.
We usually work Thursday morning - depending on the weather.
Keeping the river clear of vegetation and flowing freely is an ongoing task which we carry out every year from October through to March. This leaves the river free for wildlife to flourish during the spring and summer months. Since we started we have had sightings of Water Voles, Mallard Ducks and a Kingfisher.
On the 20th March 2014 we received the Community Achievement Award 2013/2014 from Mid Suffolk District Council.
This was for ‘ ... an outstanding contribution to the local community’. This award is normally given to individuals. We were the first group to receive this recognition.
If you have 2 to 3 hours free time once a week, like to dress up and be useful to the village please contact Chard Wadley by Email at Working gloves and high visibility vests are supplied and you get to meet a friendly group who also enjoy dressing up!