Rattlesden Preschool

Rattlesden Preschool (formerly Rattlesden Playgroup) was established over 45 years ago in order to provide a facility for local children to play and grow in self-confidence and independence. Our pre-school is a registered charity run on a not-for-profit basis and is available to all families in the community of Rattlesden and the surrounding areas. Rattlesden Preschool continually aims to help children in their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development through play, with a secure and caring environment. At Preschool, we encourage the children to grow in self-confidence, gain independence, learn new skills, and enjoy meeting other children and adults. We take children from 18months-4years. 2,3 and 4 year-old funding available. We pride ourselves on being community focused and are valued within the village and surrounding areas. We have a great relationship with Rattlesden primary school, to which the majority of our children transition too.
The preschool is open 38 weeks each year.
We are open five days each week. Monday-Friday between 8.40am – 15.15.
Thursday Afternoons we take the children to the school to use their outside area - there is no indoor provision offered during this session.
Our garden has been recently renovated by a team of volunteer parents/family. This now includes a large patio area, playhouse, planters and what will grow into a sensory walk through. We are also fundraising for an outside shelter to be used as an outside classroom. We often visit the playing fields, churchyard or school. We also have use of the 5 bells meadow just across the road. Our staff are well trained and experienced in looking after children with additional needs, such as ASD or diabetes. If you would like to know more, or arrange a visit, please get in touch.