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Sandbags and sand available from the Village Hall Carpark and behind the Pavillion from November 2nd

1 November 2023

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Empty sandbags, and sand to fill them, will be available for villagers from the Village Hall car park and behind the Pavilion from 2nd November. 
Properties at risk of flooding are welcome to collect what they reasonably need.
Sandbags work best when used in conjunction with a waterproof membrane underneath (i.e. a pond liner).
River levels can be monitored here - https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/station/6091.
This is an initial response by the Parish Council to the recent flood to assist residents protect their homes - other information is to follow.
Rattlesden Parish Council

Read more on Sandbags and sand available from the Village Hall Carpark and behind the Pavillion from November 2nd