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Parish Council Report 2017-18

23 May 2018

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Has continued to be the subject of a significant amount of work to ensure it is properly and respectfully maintained - thanks to The Felsham Gardeners who do a great job at the site.
With space an issue, the Council completed the acquisition of extra land for an extension and has worked hard to bring the new area into use. Further work remains but the extended Cemetery should now provide for residents' needs for a long time to come.

Significant Community Developments

The defibrillator, funded by the community, was put in position at the Village Hall and brought into operation.
The bus shelter on Rising Sun Hill, effectively destroyed during a storm in early 2017, was rebuilt from stronger materials - and seating installed.
The telephone kiosk on Felsham Road was put to excellent use.

World War I Commemoration

The Council programme of services to commemorate those from the village who gave their lives in World War I has continued - such services being held on the anniversary of when each person fell. Obviously, this year marks the centenary of the end of hostilities and the Council is looking to plant trees in memory of those who were killed in battle..

447th Bomb Group

The Council has continued to support the work of the 447th Bomb Group Association by arranging and paying for the cutting of the grass at the Memorial. This has worked well and ensures the Memorial is kept at its best.


The Council has limited funds to support groups, but was able to offer small donations to those who work hard for residents - not least, to the Parochial Church Council - towards the costs of "Revelations" and towards the maintenance of the Church clock. It also secured grants itself - towards the replacement bus shelter on Rising Sun Hill and to fund Council information on the Village Website.

Work on Footpaths

The Parish Council has worked repeatedly with Suffolk County Council to deal with footpath issues during the year. Thanks Gaye Reid for carrying out the role of Footpath Officer so committedly and conscientiously.

Bottle Bank

The Council continues to champion recycling - not least through the bottle bank which not only offers a valuable facility but also generates important income for the village - in excess of £460 in the last year.

Anti-Social Behaviour
As ever, the Council has had to continue to deal with a small minority of people who engage in anti-social behaviour - particularly those who drop litter and those who do not clear up after their dogs. Many thanks to Jean Coleman, for her tireless work in tackling the litter dumped throughout the village.


Even within a small village, planning is a huge issue. The Council has dealt with no less than 33 applications during the year - ranging from tree works, to renovations and major property developments. Proposals for a development by Hartog Hutton Ltd close to Roman Rise/Mitchery Lane have still to reach a conclusion at the District Council.

Grit Bins

The winter hit home belatedly in 2017-2018 but by the time it did, the Council had purchased and put in place still more grit bins. Hopefully, there are now enough around the village should next winter prove troublesome!


I must thank Carol Williamson for her work as the Council Tree Officer - using her knowledge and experience to advise on planning applications. She is also proactive in letting the Council know when somethings needs to be addressed. Her expertise often seems to go unnoticed so I would take this opportunity to highlight what a great job she does.

More and more information about the Council is being made available on the village Website - please have a look if you haven't already done so.


Large vehicles are a recurring problem…and despite some attempts by Suffolk Highways to resolve issues caused by such vehicles, the difficulties remain. The Council has also received representations from residents concerned about speeding in the village. Councillors are equally concerned and as much pressure as possible is directed at both Suffolk Highways and the police about the problems. The Council will continue to lobby as strongly as possible for action.

Thanks…Finally, I should offer my thanks, as Chairman, to all other councillors for their hard work on the Council. It is entirely voluntary, and can occupy a great deal of time. It can also lead to criticism at times - but someone has to do it, and their personal commitment is really appreciated.