Home > Two Casual Councillor Vacancies > October Report from Cllr Penny Otton

October Report from Cllr Penny Otton

28 October 2015

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A14; HIGHWAYS AGENCY; I now have a new contact; Caroline Delahunty; caroline.delahanty@highwaysengland.gov.uk who is trying to get the direction sign and chevrons replaced at last. I have also raised the problem of the surface at the Rougham junction and have passed the reply to the clerk.

HIGHWAYS; I have asked at the cabinet meeting whether SCC had received any penalty payments from Keir due to the 3 delays in their work; as yet no reply! So far Kier have failed to reach its target in less than 55% of operational performance measures

REVIEW OF RURAL TRANSPORT; l this was called into the scrutiny committee but no change was made when referred back to the cabinet.

CLOSURE OF MAGISTRATE COURTS; I am so pleased that Judith Shallow in her role as High Sherriff has also joined the list of objectors. I’m sure her high profile will have some influence..

RATTLESDEN PRIMARY SCHOOL; I now have had a formal letter from the head teacher re; consultation on a proposal to establish a joint academy with Gt Barton, Thurston and Woolpit primary schools. The deadline for comments is 13th November. Has the parish council had any information?


COMMUNITY ACHEIVEMENT AWARDS; it’s that time again!! Nominations into MidSuffolk by 31st December. I have asked this goes in the village news.

GYPSY AND TRAVELLER SITES; again there is a call for sites for transit sites; the deadline being 16th November

CARAVAN SITE RATTLESDEN; the caravan and camping club have given approval. I am now trying to get some information from environmental health on the issues of waste disposal, LPG storage and any other issues of concern. I had a meeting with Pauline and Mrs and have suggested the applicant is asked how he intends to deal with issues, I have contacted the Environment Agency to get how they expect these to be dealt with. I also have been in touch with Mid Suffolk and have forwarded the response to the clerk and Sheona.

ROSE COTTAGE POY ST; am still waiting for an answer!!