Home > Two Casual Councillor Vacancies > November 2017 Report from Cllr Penny Otton

November 2017 Report from Cllr Penny Otton

6 December 2017

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Cllr Gordon Jones has issued an email to say he is setting up some workshops to consider this with “partners” randomly selected. I have not been invited but hope Helen Wilson has.I gate crashed the one in Bury on 9th November where there were a few suggestions on how to reduce the asked for saving which is actually an income generation. I had a meeting with Helen Wilson at Thurston on Friday. They have done a survey of parents of which over 60% have said they will drive thus not saving the council money and increasing cars! It now looks like this will return to cabinet in December.

30 HOUR FREE CHILDCARE; this is raising concern as many pre-schools and nurseries are unable to provide this amount of care on the £3.87 per hour they receive from Suffolk County council. The council receives money from government but is retaining £2million of that for admin costs. We have asked that this be rereviewed as many childcare providers are struggling. I know Rattlesden playgroup is.

BUDGET; pre scrutiny of the budget is suggesting an increase in council tax of 1.99% on top of the 3% increase for adult social care

BIRDS GREEN AND LOWER ROAD; I have now had a phone call from Charlie Mitson. Seems they will need a road closure to remove the white lines. I did ask why not do the HGV signs now and get the bridge repair done at the same time.

PARKING AT THE SCHOOL. I spoke to member of the governs who has said they will again remind the parents


BOUNDARY REVIEW OF DISTRICT WARDS. You should now have the response from the Boundary Commission. I am pleased their suggestion for Rattlesden ward is in line with much of ours!! However, considering the issue below all this could change! The council has put in it,s response to the BCs current recommendations which includes Harleston and Shelland into the Rattlesden ward. I know those 2 villages will not be happy, they are far more linked with Onehouse.

MERGER OF MID SUFFOLK AND BABERGH. Babergh council has now asked for a legal opinion on this. I have challenged the msdc leader why this was not officially reported to msdc council.

LOCAL PLAN. Unfortunately, Bill Newman has left but his replacement is Robert Hobbs who will not start until 18th December. I suggest you contact Tom Barker in the meantime.