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Local Avian Flu Outbreak

1 April 2022

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Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 has been confirmed in a backyard flock of poultry, near Stowmarket, Suffolk. All poultry on the infected premises will be humanely culled.

A 3km Protection Zone and 10km Surveillance Zone has been put in place around the premises (a map of Zones can be seen in the comments).

Trading Standards Officers will be be making contact with all properties in the 3km Protection Zone to help us and the Animal and Plant Health Agency establish where poultry are housed.

A reminder and plea to all poultry keepers to please continue to keep your birds housed, and ensure you you follow strict biosecurity measures.

- Keep your birds undercover away from wild birds.
- Use dedicated footwear to enter your birds' housing so you don't walk disease in.
- Remember that anything that enters your birds' housing could introduce disease, whether that's a bag of bedding, your pet cat walking in or rats and mice.
- Store bedding undercover and keep other pets out of your birds' housing. Control rats and mice and clear up spilled feed.
- As a priority, mend any damage to your birds' housing after the recent bad weather.

We have shared the information on our social media channels to highlight the outbreak to Suffolk residents:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=344463011056276&set=a.310393091129935

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SuffolkTS/status/1508535161629159424

For the latest information click here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/avian-influenza-bird-flu