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July Report from Cllr Penny Otton

27 July 2016

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ANNUAL COUNCIL; at that meeting the council voted on the DEVOLUTION proposals. I remain unhappy at the plans which I don’t see a devolution and another layer of local government but without any democratic acountability.It was agreed to go ahead but that the public consultation will include a question on the issue of the directly elected mayor,

THURSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE; Congratulations on being selected to receive a banner celebrating the 800th anniversary of Magna carter which will be presented to the sixth form campus on 4th July where I was present. This is one of 18 and the only secondary school to be selected.

I also took part in an EU referenda debate with the Lower Sixth.

( BOTH COUNCILS ARE CONSIDERING THE IMPLICATIONS OF BREXIT including the appointment of Sadiq Khan as minister for communities and local government)

RATTLESDEN PRIMARY SCHOOL; having allocated some locality funds I was pleased to be at the drama workshop at the school run by the Theatre Royal.

COMMUNITY TRANSPORT I have asked the cabinet member to review this and have asked the leader of Mid Suffolk to also help to get this reversed failing that to use some the reserves to subsidise the service as Ipswich have done..

BLUE LIGHT PROPERTY SHARING; the council is looking at places where all the “blue light services “can share premises including Stowmarket.

MIDSUFFOLK; the council also agreed the devolution plans. Which I could not. I have passed the consultation questionnaire to the clerk.

The council is calling again for sites. Deadline is august 25th. As requested by Cllr Jewers I asked that an acknowledgement be sent to any who do put in a site to be considered.

REGAL CINEMA; the council has agreed to contribute to a feasibility study to improve facilities. This could include a reduction of car park spaces, improvements to catering and another screen. The total cost of the scheme is estimated at £4million!

HEAD OFFICES; despite reports in the press NO formal decision has been made to relocate to Ipswich/ Endeavour house. We are still asking for an economic impact of moving from Needham market, what the business case is and how will the currently overcrowded Endeavour house cope with the extra car parking needed.

INTERIM CHIEF EXECUTIVE; it will be proposed that CEX of SCC Deborah Cadman will act until a new CEX for MSDC and Babergh is in place. It is a legal requirement to have a Head of Paid Service.

BOUNDARY REVIEW; The Boundary Comminssion is to do a review of district boundaries/ ward sizes and number of councillors. Parish councils will be part of the consultation but not part of the review. To be finalised by end of the year.

PRESCRIPTIONS SERVICE FROM THE HEALTH CENTRE; having been told the delivery of prescriptions to the shop is to stop I have been in touch with the Health centre to see if they have this re-stated.