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January 2017 Report from Cllr Penny Otton

25 January 2017

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LIBRARY FUNDING; the council is proposing a further cut of £200.000 to financial support for libraries. I am sorry to hear this as community groups have done excellent work in trying to keep our libraries open. I am worried that this could impact on the mobile library service. At a meeting with Richard Fawcett and Alison Wheeler head of Suffolk Libraries she said the cut would mean a reduction in the book stock and staff but was hoping to do all she can to keep the mobile service.

MEETING WITH HIGHWAYS RE HGV,S we now need to agree whether to go for an HGV advisory sign into Birds Green. Following a request from David Goodlad it can be confirmed that the Lower Road bridge is “safe” weight wise. We also need to decide about the suggestion to remove the central white lines.

CIVIL PARKING ENFORCEMENT; there is to be a change to parking enforcement; this is to be de-criminalised and possibly devolved to districts and boroughs however SCC will need to act quickly to determine and Traffic Regulation Orders for eg new waiting or loading restrictions.

BUDGET; I have sent details to clerks

The council has agreed to move to a cabinet/leader model.

REVIEW OF LEISURE FACILITIES; a review of the leisure centres is taking place including the lack of swimming facilities. The council is the process of purchasing some land next to the leisure centre in Stowmarket which is now not used by the school.

ASYLUM SEEKERS DISPERSAL; all councils are looking to see where will best place ; at the moment looks like Felixstowe and Woodbridge.

BUDGET; Mid Suffolk are proposing a 5p increase for a band D property, a small increase in council rents.
I did ask whether the charge for emptying dog bins was going up again and can say NO!

Happy new year