Home > Two Casual Councillor Vacancies > February 2017 Report from Cllr Penny Otton

February 2017 Report from Cllr Penny Otton

1 March 2017

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SUFFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL BUDGET; this was agreed on 17th Feb. there was an amendment to put back the cut to the library service, to children’s centres, highways maintenance, concessionary fare support and, hedge and verge cutting and post 16 travel which I was happy to support. After a long and bad tempered debate this was defeated and the original budget agreed by a majority. This includes the 3% rise for social care.

LOCALITY BUDGET; I have agreed £200 towards a new printer for the History group.

HIGHWAYS; I have photographed and reported the state of the road at the start of Windyridge.

20 MILES PER HOUR; the signs are now up on the High street ; the speed limit is now 20mph rather than the advisory 20s plenty

BUS SHELTER; I did report to Doug it being blown over in the storm.( sure others have!!)

SCHOOL GOVERNORS; there are a number of vacancies for school governors in the mid Suffolk area, anyone interested can speak to Joanna Howell at SCC.

CAMPAIGN FOR MORE FIRE FIGHTERS; also a short fall so a campaign has been launched to get businesses interested and informed.

As part of the boundary commission’s review they are also considering the number of councillors; there is a suggestion at the moment of 34 instead of 40. This would reduce some cost but that will be offset by extra travel allowances for going to Ipswich and special responsibility allowances when the cabinet model is agreed. There will only be one public access point in Stowmarket but some “ landing points” across the district in maybe libraries etc ; I confess to still not understanding how this will work!!

COUNCIL TAX was approved on Thursday with a recommendation of 5p per week for a band D property rise (1.6%).

GLIDING CLUB; The liason group will meet on the 14th March. There has been again an instance of trespass on to the runway by a vehicle and they had damaged the barrier. This was reported to the police.