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April Report from Cllr Penny Otton

27 April 2016

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COMMUNITY TRANSPORT; there is to be a meeting at Mid Suffolk offices on 8th June 10.30.-11.30.

As SCC will no longer provide printed timetables they can be downloaded from www.suffolkonboard.com and printed to be left or displayed in public places

HGVs; I have asked SCC highways to look into what is going on at the Buffer depot on the airfield.

RATTLESDEN PRIMARY SCHOOL ADMISSIONS; There were no rejections for places of the 20 there were 11 allocations so now 9 spare places.

I am of course concerned that the government has decreed all primary schools must become academies. Many county councils have raised their concerns.

BROKEN WALL AT WATER RUN; I have asked David Gibbs who is in charge of school transport to make sure Galloways get this repaired or pay!


GLIDING CLUB; they are planning an open day on 18th June.

I have passed to the clerk the clubs suggestion of extending the hours for you to discuss. At the moment my view is to wait until the tempory permission is ratified (or not). They have also sent me the instruction to the tow pilot and trainer on new rules for the tow rope following the couple of mishaps.

WOOLPIT NIEGHBOURHOOD PLAN; as Rattlesden is a near neighbour it will be invited to comment on Woolpit’s plans. This is a long process but there may be issues we need to be aware of i.e.; development proposals.

COMMUNITY ACHEIVEMENTS AWARDS; at the awards last week; an award was given to 2 young girls aged 10 for their work as litter pickers in Felsham. I think next year we MUST nominate the shop and post office!