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Action on LItter

2 May 2018

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Action on Waste - Litterally(!) Speaking…
The Council has received one or two complaints of late about litter in the village and so is asking for help to eradicate this problem. After all, Rattlesden is a Conservation Area and should lead by example. Already we have a litter-picker who does an amazing job, going about her business in a quiet but very effective way - yet, as is always the case, a few people somehow almost conspire to thwart the best efforts of the majority. So, perhaps, a timely reminder will not go amiss?

It goes without saying that litter spoils our neighbourhood and environment. At worst, it can encourage others to litter and even attract pests. Don't forget, litter includes anything from a bag of rubbish, to a crisp packet, to a cigarette butt…not to mention food waste.
Quite simply, littering is an offence and anyone who drops litter is committing a crime - not least, throwing litter from a vehicle. Mid Suffolk District Council treats littering very seriously and anyone can be prosecuted in the courts and fined up to £2,500. The District Council also has powers to issue 'on the spot' Fixed Penalty Notices of £80 and has a direct link to the Driving and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA) to trace registration numbers, so that anyone seen littering from a vehicle or driving away after leaving litter can be traced. So please help eradicate litter by continuing to dispose of your litter responsibly; and encourage others to do the same.

However, if you see someone dropping litter that you don't know - DO NOT confront them but try to remember and/or note down as much detail of the incident as possible - if remotely possible the date, time and location, plus what was littered and the name and/or address of the offender if you know it. Where a vehicle is involved note the make, colour and registration of the vehicle, together with a description of the offender. The details can then be reported to the District Council using its on-line form which can be found at the bottom of this page on its Website:

Any Matters for the Parish Council? Please contact any Councillor - details on the Website (above); alternatively, the Parish Clerk: Doug Reed - rattlesdenpc@live.co.uk; 07843850018 (Second Thoughts, Church Road, Elmswell IP30 9DY).