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A “Conservation Area” is “an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance”. Such areas are designated by the District Council on the advice of English Heritage.

Favourite Village ViewRattlesden was designated a Conservation Area in 1975. The aim of this is to ensure that any alterations or innovations are in keeping. This not only affects building, but trees and open spaces too, and even street furniture or commercial premises.

At present, the area is essentially the heart of the village, reaching from Orwell Cottage on the Stowmarket Road, over the Sports field, to Birds Green, up the hill to Glebe House, round St Nicholas’ Close and a ¼ mile or so along the Felsham Road, the school up to Old Mill House and over the top to Rattlesden Hall.

As can be seen from this description, it does not mean that new style buildings are prohibited, but rather that their visual impact on the area is carefully assessed before planning permission is given.  With this in mind a committee was formed in 2003 to produce a Village Design Statement. This has now been published and a copy was delivered to each household in Rattlesden. Further copies can be obtained from the Parish Council.

How does this affect you? Firstly, all of us can anticipate living in or near an “unspoilt” village for many years to come. Secondly, if you live in the Conservation Area it will be as well to check with the Conservation Officer at the District Council before making any alterations to your home or garden, as there may be restrictions on the types of building materials you are allowed to use. If you wish to remove or cut back a tree or hedge, the District Council requires six weeks’ notice. During this time they will send their Tree Officer to visit you and on his recommendation, will either do nothing at all or impose a tree preservation order.


Mid Suffolk District Council


Rattlesden Parish Council

  • Parish Tree Warden: Carol Williamson - Tel: 736362 e-mail: ecwil@hotmail.com

    Offers advice on trees and hedges in the parish, keeps an eye on their health, especially in the conservation area. Liaises with District Tree Officer when necessary.

  • Parish Footpaths Walker:  Gayle Reid